
How we are fighting coronavirus

Text Author: Victoria Valikova
Photographer: Elena Vlasova

Everyone knows that a quarantine is the best way to prevent the virus from spreading. Nevertheless, there are patients with serious diseases that must be treated regardless of the quarantine, otherwise they risk dying before the epidemic even reaches them.

Everyone knows that a quarantine is the best way to prevent the virus from spreading. Nevertheless, there are patients with serious diseases that must be treated regardless of the quarantine, otherwise they risk dying before the epidemic even reaches them. Here’s what we have done, along with the Ministry of Health of Guatemala, to make our work more effective during the pandemic:

  1. We’ve declared a general quarantine and asked our patients to stay at home if they don’t need emergency assistance or medications.
  2. We’ve asked pregnant women to undergo medical examinations and scheduled ultrasounds after the quarantine; the only exception being medical emergencies.
  3. We’ve designated special zones and offices for “patients with respiratory symptoms,” separating them from other patients.
  4. We give masks to patients with respiratory symptoms.
  5. We explain the coronavirus situation to all patients with respiratory symptoms, including why they should self-isolate.
  6. We’ve developed a plan to isolate patients potentially infected with COVID-19 and are working with the Ministry of Health to detect the virus using lab tests and hospitalizing sick patients.
  7. We’ve trained our staff in the proper use of personal protective equipment and have taught them how to act during a pandemic.
  8. We’ve informed the Embassies of the Russian Federation, Bolivia and Portugal about the current situation of our project and the volunteers from those countries working with us.

But the most important thing we’ve done is prevent people from panicking! Remaining calm is the best way to keep working despite the pandemic. Sign up for a monthly donation to help us keep doing our work in the Health & Help clinic. Or become a volunteer and come treat patients with us!

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UN Photo/Rick Bajornas

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Инструкция, как оформить регулярное пожертвование ⮕


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Ежемесячные пожертвования:

Оформить регулярные рублевые переводы можно в мобильном приложении вашего банка. Функция автоплатежа позволит не вводить каждый раз номер счета и вы всегда сможете отследить свои подписки. Вы сами выбираете сумму перевода, в любое время ее можно изменить или отменить, также через приложение. Просто и быстро. 

Инструкция, как оформить регулярное пожертвование ⮕